🗯️MATLAB snippet

Clustering and subpopulation identification are powerful techniques used to analyze data and detect effects such as those caused by selective perturbations in biological or experimental contexts. MATLAB, with its versatile computational and visualization capabilities, is well-suited for implementing these techniques. Here's an overview of how you can approach this task using MATLAB:

1. Data Preprocessing

Before clustering and analysis, ensure your data is clean and preprocessed. This often involves:

2. Clustering Techniques

MATLAB offers a range of clustering algorithms that can be applied depending on the nature of your data:

Example of K-means Clustering:

 % Load or generate data
 data = rand(100, 2);  % Example data with 2 features
 numClusters = 3;
 % Perform K-means clustering
 [idx, centroids] = kmeans(data, numClusters);
 % Visualize results
 gscatter(data(:,1), data(:,2), idx);
 hold on;
 plot(centroids(:,1), centroids(:,2), 'kx', 'MarkerSize', 15, 'LineWidth', 3);
 title('K-means Clustering');
 hold off;

3. Subpopulation Identification

Identifying subpopulations involves analyzing the clusters to understand their characteristics and biological or experimental significance: