Emission Spectrum displays the wavelengths of light emitted as the fluorophore returns to its ground state. The emission spectrum generally shifts to a longer wavelength compared to the excitation spectrum, a phenomenon known as the Stokes shift.

🌵MATLAB snippet

Creating and visualizing an emission spectrum with MATLAB involves plotting the intensity of emitted light at different wavelengths. This can be used to analyze fluorescence data or model emission characteristics of fluorophores.

Here's how to create an emission spectrum in MATLAB:

Steps to Create an Emission Spectrum:

  1. Generate or load data: You need a dataset containing wavelength values and corresponding fluorescence intensities. You can simulate data or import it from a file.
  2. Plot the data: Use MATLAB's plotting functions to visualize the spectrum.

Example MATLAB Code:

 % Define the wavelength range (e.g., 400 to 700 nm)
 wavelength = 400:1:700;
 % Create a synthetic emission profile (Gaussian distribution as an example)
 peakWavelength = 520; % Center of the emission
 width = 30; % Width of the emission curve
 intensity = exp(-((wavelength - peakWavelength).^2) / (2 * width^2));
 % Plot the emission spectrum
 plot(wavelength, intensity, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2);
 xlabel('Wavelength (nm)');
 ylabel('Fluorescence Intensity (a.u.)');
 title('Emission Spectrum');
 grid on;


Customizing the Spectrum:

Additional Features:

This approach provides a basic way to model and plot an emission spectrum in MATLAB, which can be extended or customized based on your specific research or data needs.