Mie scattering is more complex than Rayleigh scattering and occurs when the size of the scattering particles is comparable to the wavelength of light. Unlike Rayleigh scattering, which is limited to particles much smaller than the wavelength, Mie scattering can handle a broader range of particle sizes and is often used to model the scattering of larger particles, such as water droplets in clouds.
MATLAB is well-suited for numerical computations and visualizations, making it ideal for simulating Mie scattering. Here’s how to approach this:
Below is an example MATLAB script that calculates and plots the Mie scattering efficiency:
% Define parameters
wavelengths = linspace(400, 700, 100) * 1e-9; % Wavelengths in meters (400-700 nm)
particleRadius = 100e-9; % Particle radius in meters (100 nm)
refractiveIndex = 1.5 + 0.01i; % Complex refractive index of the particle
mediumRefractiveIndex = 1.0; % Refractive index of the surrounding medium
% Constants
k = 2 * pi ./ wavelengths; % Wave number
% Mie Scattering function (adapted from built-in functions or third-party code)
mieScatteringEfficiencies = zeros(1, length(wavelengths));
for i = 1:length(wavelengths)
mieScatteringEfficiencies(i) = mieScattering(k(i), particleRadius, refractiveIndex, mediumRefractiveIndex);
% Plot the results
plot(wavelengths * 1e9, mieScatteringEfficiencies, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Wavelength (nm)');
ylabel('Scattering Efficiency');
title('Mie Scattering Efficiency as a Function of Wavelength');
grid on;
% Mie Scattering calculation function
function Q = mieScattering(k, a, m, n_medium)
% Calculates Mie scattering efficiency Q
% k - wave number, a - particle radius, m - refractive index of particle,
% n_medium - refractive index of the surrounding medium
% Mie coefficients (simplified for this example; a more thorough
% implementation can include full summation series)
x = k * a; % Size parameter
m_rel = m / n_medium; % Relative refractive index
% Example using MATLAB functions or numerical computation for efficiency
% Replace this block with exact Mie calculations or external libraries
Q = mie_analytic_solution(x, m_rel); % Placeholder function
% Note: Implement `mie_analytic_solution` based on Mie theory equations or use available MATLAB packages.
: The range of light wavelengths.particleRadius
: Radius of the particle.refractiveIndex
: Complex refractive index of the particle material.mieScattering
function should compute Mie coefficients ( $a_n$ ) and ( $b_n$ ), which can be summed for scattering efficiencies ( $Q{\text{scat}}$ ) and ( $Q{\text{ext}}$ ).