Flow cytometry is a powerful laboratory technique used to analyze the physical and chemical properties of cells or particles in a fluid as they pass through a laser. This process enables the rapid measurement of cell size, granularity, and fluorescence, often tagged with specific antibodies, allowing detailed identification of cell types and their characteristics. Widely utilized in immunology, oncology, and cell biology, flow cytometry can process thousands of cells per second, providing rich, quantitative data on cell populations. It plays a crucial role in diagnosing diseases, monitoring immune responses, and advancing research in areas such as cancer treatment and stem cell therapy.

🌵MATLAB snippet

Flow cytometry is a powerful technique for analyzing the physical and chemical characteristics of cells or particles in a fluid as they pass through a laser. Analyzing flow cytometry data computationally using MATLAB involves reading, preprocessing, visualizing, and extracting insights from complex multi-parametric datasets. MATLAB’s toolboxes and functions make it an excellent platform for this kind of data analysis.

Step-by-Step Guide for Flow Cytometry Analysis with MATLAB:

  1. Reading Flow Cytometry Data:

     % Load an FCS file using the `fcsread` function
     [data, metadata] = fcsread('example_data.fcs');
  2. Preprocessing Data:

     % Simple log transformation example
     data_log = log10(data + 1); % Adding 1 to avoid log(0)
  3. Visualizing Data:

     % Plot histogram for a single parameter (e.g., channel 1)
     histogram(data_log(:, 1), 50);
     xlabel('Fluorescence Intensity');
     ylabel('Cell Count');
     title('Histogram of Channel 1');
     % Scatter plot for two parameters (e.g., channel 1 vs channel 2)
     scatter(data_log(:, 1), data_log(:, 2), 10, 'filled');
     xlabel('Channel 1');
     ylabel('Channel 2');
     title('Scatter Plot of Channel 1 vs Channel 2');
  4. Clustering and Gating:

     % K-means clustering example for automatic population identification
     numClusters = 3;
     [idx, C] = kmeans(data_log, numClusters);
     % Visualizing clustered data
     gscatter(data_log(:, 1), data_log(:, 2), idx);
  5. Statistical Analysis:

     % Calculate mean fluorescence intensity for each cluster
     for i = 1:numClusters
         cluster_mean(i, :) = mean(data_log(idx == i, :));
  6. Multi-dimensional Analysis:

     % PCA example
     [coeff, score, latent] = pca(data_log);
     scatter(score(:, 1), score(:, 2));
     xlabel('Principal Component 1');
     ylabel('Principal Component 2');
     title('PCA of Flow Cytometry Data');

Tips for Effective Flow Cytometry Analysis:

Example Use Case:

Immunophenotyping: Identify and quantify different immune cell populations (e.g., T cells, B cells) based on surface markers using automated gating and clustering.

Packages and Additional Resources: