Stochastic filtering involves estimating the state of a system that evolves over time and is subject to random disturbances, using observations that are themselves noisy and potentially incomplete. Stochastic evolution models are integral to this process as they mathematically describe how the system's state and the observations evolve. These models find applications in fields such as signal processing, finance, robotics, and control theory.

1. Overview of Stochastic Filtering

$dX(t) = f(X(t), t) dt + \sigma(X(t), t) dW_t^X,$

$dY(t) = h(X(t), t) dt + \gamma(X(t), t) dW_t^Y,$

where $W_t^X$ and $W_t^Y$ are independent Wiener processes, the task is to estimate $X(t)$ based on the information provided by $Y(t)$ .

2. Mathematical Framework

State Process (Signal)

$dX(t) = a(X(t), t) dt + b(X(t), t) dW_t^X.$

Here, $a(X(t), t)$ is the drift term, and $b(X(t), t)$ is the diffusion coefficient.

Observation Process

$dY(t) = c(X(t), t) dt + \sigma(Y(t), t) dW_t^Y,$

where $c(X(t), t)$ is the observation function, and $\sigma(Y(t), t)$ represents the noise affecting the measurement.

3. Examples of Stochastic Filtering Models

1. Kalman Filter (Linear Case)

$dX(t) = AX(t) dt + Q dW_t^X,$

$dY(t) = CX(t) dt + R dW_t^Y,$

where $A$ and $C$ are matrices defining the system and observation models, and $Q$ and $R$ are noise covariance matrices.

2. Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)

3. Particle Filter (Non-linear and Non-Gaussian)